Tech Bootcamp for Lawyers & Policymakers

Washington, DC
October 15, 2018
12:30 – 5:00 PM


Tech Bootcamp for lawyers was a half-day event focused on training early to mid-career lawyers and policymakers about the basics of technology.  NSI is leveraging the skills of our tech experts to teach lawyers about the basics of technology.  This broad-based, hands-on course covered the gamut of tech topics, everything from hardware to hacking and how it relates to the law.  Some of the areas of focus included: how the internet works, machine learning, algorithms, and blockchain.

Bryson Bort, NSI Fellow and Founder of SYTHE; Michael Ehrlich, NSI Visiting Fellow and Chief Technology Officer at IronNet: Amyn Gilani, NSI Visiting Fellow and Chief Technologist at Booz Allen Hamilton; Adam Golodner, NSI Visiting Fellow and Partner at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP; and Catherine McElroy, NSI Visiting Fellow and Senior Counsel for Cybersecurity and Special Missions for Raytheon were the facilitators for this event.