August Bauer currently serves as the Unit Chief at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Laboratory Division, Terrorist Explosive Device Analytical Center, Technical Exploitation Unit (TExU). TExU conducts technical analysis of improvised explosive device (IED) related electronics in support of U.S. and international investigative and intelligence activities.
In this role, August leads operations and provides strategic direction to include, long range planning, service portfolio management, domestic and international project engagement development and direction, global strategic alliance development, policy planning and implementation, emerging forensic technology, and technological advancement development.
August joined the FBI as a Special Agent in 2006. During this time, he has initiated and led complex, multi-agency domestic and international criminal enterprise investigations to include violent gangs, domestic terrorism, money laundering, and international contract corruption. In addition, August has deployed globally in support of the FBI mission as a Special Agent Bomb Technician, Post Blast Investigator, Evidence Response Team Assistant Team Leader, and FBI Adjunct Professor.
Prior to his time with the FBI, August gained experience in the private sector with Intel Corporation and a number of other companies as a Project Manager and Systems Analyst. August bridged the gap between the business strategy and the technical implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, Supply Chain Management Systems, and Business Technology Platforms. August also served in the United States Marine Corps.
A California native, August graduated from the California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Business. August currently resides in Huntsville, Alabama and is pursuing his MBA at the University of Alabama.