
These national security practitioners and industry leaders draw on diverse experiences from the intelligence community, government, private sector, and academia. Through policy papers, panel discussions, and other scholarship, our Fellows will contribute to a crucial discussion of the legal and practical challenges facing the U.S. intelligence, defense, law enforcement, homeland security, and cybersecurity communities. These experts and scholars will support NSI’s educational mission and will help ensure that NSI leads the debate on critical issues facing our nation in the upcoming year.


Audrey Adams

Audrey Adams

Deputy Director
U.S. Fleet Cyber Command
Major Salahudin Ali

Major Salahudin Ali

Judge Advocate
U.S. Marine Corps
Vishal "VJ" Amin

Vishal “VJ” Amin

Visiting Fellow
General Manager Security Solutions (U.S. Federal and Defense)
Capt Steven Arango

Capt Steven Arango

Visiting Fellow
United States Marine Corps
Kendrick Ashton, Jr.

Kendrick Ashton, Jr.

Visiting Fellow
The St. James Group
August Bauer

August Bauer

Visiting Fellow
Unit Chief
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Christian Beckner

Christian Beckner

Visiting Fellow
Senior Director of Retail Technology and Cybersecurity
National Retail Federation
Lauren Bedula

Lauren Bedula

Managing Director
Beacon Global Strategies
Meghan Biery

Meghan Biery

Visiting Fellow
former Director of Government and Strategic Security Affairs
Steve Block

Steve Block

Visiting Fellow
Former Division Chief
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Andrew Borene

Andrew Borene

Senior Fellow
Former Associate Deputy General Counsel
U.S. Department of Defense
Christopher Bright

Christopher Bright

Diplomatic Historian, George Washington University; and former Staff Lead, Oversight and Investigations House Armed Services Committee
Ethan Brown

Ethan Brown

Visiting Fellow
Senior Fellow for Defense Studies
Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress
Lauren Buitta

Lauren Buitta

Visiting Fellow
Founder and CEO
Girl Security
Cameron Burks

Cameron Burks

Senior Fellow
Vice President for Global Safety and Security
Carter Burwell

Carter Burwell

Former U.S. Department of the Treasury Counselor
Jennifer Cafarella

Jennifer Cafarella

Director of Strategic Initiatives and National Security Fellow
Institute for the Study of War
Geoffrey Cain

Geoffrey Cain

Lincoln Network
Charles Carithers

Charles Carithers

Senior Fellow
Cornerstone Government Affairs
Samantha Clark

Samantha Clark

Visiting Fellow
Senior Counselor
Palantir Technologies
Giovanna Cinelli

Giovanna Cinelli

Practice Lead
International Trade & National Security, Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP
David B. Coher

David B. Coher

Visiting Fellow
Former Principal, Reliability and Cybersecurity
Southern California Edison
Kelvin Coleman

Kelvin Coleman

Visiting Fellow
Executive Director
TIC Council Americas
Glenn Corn

Glenn Corn

Visiting Fellow
Founder and Principal
Varyag, LLC Consulting
Daniel G. Currell

Daniel G. Currell

Former Deputy Under Secretary and Senior Advisor
Department of Education
Scott Cullinane

Scott Cullinane

Senior Government Relations Advisor
Razom for Ukraine
Brock Dahl

Brock Dahl

Counsel and Head of U.S. Fintech
Jim Danoy

Jim Danoy

Former Defense Intelligence Executive
U.S. Department of Defense
Loren Dealy Mahler

Loren Dealy Mahler

Dealy Mahler Strategies
Tara DiJulio

Tara DiJulio

VP & Chief Communications Officer
GE & GE Aerospace
Tim Denning

Tim Denning

Visiting Fellow
Vice President
UltraTech Capital Partners
Michael DiRoma

Michael DiRoma

Visiting Fellow
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs
Department of Treasury
Paula Doyle

Paula Doyle

Fmr. Assoc. Deputy Director of Operations Technology
Central Intelligence Agency
Nicholas Dujmovic

Nicholas Dujmovic

Visiting Assistant Professor in Intelligence Studies
Catholic University of America
Andrew Eck

Andrew Eck

Visiting Fellow
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs
Department of Treasury
Charles Faulkner

Charles Faulkner

Visiting Scholar
Homeland Security and Cybersecurity Account Executive
ICF International
Thomas P. Feddo

Thomas P. Feddo

The Rubicon Advisors, LLC
Christopher Ford

Christopher Ford

Distinguished Fellow
Former Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation
Department of State
James Freeman

James Freeman

Founder & Managing Partner
TriPacer Strategic Consulting
Scott Friedman

Scott Friedman

Visiting Fellow
Acting Assistant Secretary for Trade and Economic Security (TES)
Department of Homeland Security
Alex Gallo

Alex Gallo

Executive Director
Common Mission Project
Lenora Peters Gant

Lenora Peters Gant

Distinguished Fellow
Former Senior National Intelligence Officer
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Greg Garcia

Greg Garcia

Distinguished Fellow
Executive Director for Cybersecurity
Health Sector Coordinating Council
Kaitlyn Garman

Kaitlyn Garman

Visiting Fellow
Vice President
Beacon Global Strategies
David Gauthier

David Gauthier

Visiting Fellow
Chief Strategy Officer
GXO Inc.
Bishop Garrison

Bishop Garrison

Senior Fellow
Contributor, The SCIF
Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense on Human Capital and DEI
U.S. Secretary of Defense
Hope Goins

Hope Goins

Visiting Fellow
Democratic Staff Director for House Committee on Homeland Security
U.S. House of Representatives
Sarah Geffroy

Sarah Geffroy

Former Chief Counsel
U.S. House Intelligence Committee
Preston Golson

Preston Golson

Visiting Fellow
Brunswick Group
Michael Gottlieb

Michael Gottlieb

Former Associate Counsel and Special Assistant to the President
Thomas Dale Grant

Thomas Dale Grant

Visiting Fellow
University of Cambridge
Mark Grider

Mark Grider

Visiting Fellow
Chris Grieco

Chris Grieco

Visiting Fellow
General Counsel
Fei Labs
Chris Hale

Chris Hale

Visiting Fellow
Senior Director for Cyber and National Security Law
Cisco Systems
Larry Hanauer

Larry Hanauer

Visiting Fellow
VP for Policy
David Hanke

David Hanke

Staff Director
House Select Committee on China
Donell Harvin

Donell Harvin

Visiting Fellow
Visiting Scientist
Harvard School of Public Health
Salim Hasham

Salim Hasham

Visiting Fellow
Director and Global Head, Business Transformation Partnerships
Jesse Heatley

Jesse Heatley

Visiting Scholars
Senior Cybersecurity Lead
Matthew R. A. Heiman

Matthew R. A. Heiman

Senior Fellow
Chairman, Cyber & Privacy Working Group
Regulatory Transparency Project
Erringer Helbling

Erringer Helbling

Visiting Fellow
Vice President, Federal
Altana Technologies
Adam Hickey

Adam Hickey

Visiting Fellow
Mayer Brown LLP
France Hoang

France Hoang

Former Associate Counsel and Special Assistant to the President
Cadie Hopkins

Cadie Hopkins

Visiting Fellow
US National Security Subvertical Support
Altana AI
Heather A. Hopkins

Heather A. Hopkins

Senior Fellow
Fmr Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense
U.S. Department of Defense
Cordell Hull

Cordell Hull

Former Under Secretary for Industry and Security
Department of Commerce
Joshua C. Huminski

Joshua C. Huminski

Senior Fellow
Contributor, The SCIF
Senior Vice President, Intelligence & National Security Programs
Mike Rogers Center for Intelligence & Global Affairs
Allison Jaslow

Allison Jaslow

Visiting Fellow
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
Tanveer Kathawalla

Tanveer Kathawalla

Visiting Fellow
Managing Partner & Founder
Omario Kanji

Omario Kanji

Senior Fellow
Assistant Academic Director
Temple University
Noreen Kassam

Noreen Kassam

Former Special Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce
U.S. Department of Commerce
Andy Keiser

Andy Keiser

Senior Fellow
Contributor, The SCIF
Senior Principal
Navigators Global
Zak Kukoff

Zak Kukoff

Visiting Fellow
Chair, Tech Practice
Lewis-Burke Associates
Sophia Lalani

Sophia Lalani

Visiting Fellow
Senior National Security Advisor
Jon Lang

Jon Lang

Visiting Fellow
Head of Trade and Supply Chains Practice
Eurasia Group
Connie LaRossa

Connie LaRossa

Visiting Fellow
National Security Policy
David Lasseter

David Lasseter

Visiting Fellow
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction
Department of Defense
Roslyn Layton

Roslyn Layton

Senior Vice President
Strand Consult
Collin Lee

Collin Lee

Director of Strategy - Space and Intelligence Systems
General Dynamics
Jack Livingston

Jack Livingston

Associate Director
Raytheon Technologies
Blake Locklar

Blake Locklar

Visiting Fellow
U.S. Air Force
Ana Quintana-Lovett

Ana Quintana-Lovett

Visiting Fellow
Senior Director of Policy
Vandenberg Coalition
Mario Loyola

Mario Loyola

Fmr. Associate Director
White House Council on Environmental Quality
Ronald Marks

Ronald Marks

Visiting Fellow
Maggie Martin

Maggie Martin

Vice President and Senior Associate General Counsel
Capital One
Caleb McCarry

Caleb McCarry

Visiting Fellow
Yorktown Solutions
Coleman Mehta

Coleman Mehta

Visiting Fellow
Senior Director, U.S. Policy,
Palo Alto Networks
Michael Miller

Michael Miller

Visiting Fellow
Kyle House Group
Amy K. Mitchell

Amy K. Mitchell

Senior Fellow
Contributor, The SCIF
Founding Partner; Former Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense
Kilo Alpha Strategies
Kelly Moan

Kelly Moan

Chief Information Security Officer
Brian Moore

Brian Moore

Visiting Fellow
Former National Security Council Advisor
Executive Office, US Agency for International Development
John Norton Moore

John Norton Moore

Distinguished Fellow
former Walter L. Brown Professor of Law and Director
Center for National Security Law, UVA
Katie Moussouris

Katie Moussouris

Founder and CEO
Luta Security
Nandini Narayan

Nandini Narayan

Visiting Fellow
Senior Director
Amogy Inc.
Janie Nitze

Janie Nitze

Visiting Fellow
Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
Kenneth Nunnenkamp

Kenneth Nunnenkamp

Visiting Fellow
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
Mary Monica Palmer

Mary Monica Palmer

Visiting Fellow
Head of Government Affairs
Epirus Inc.
Adam Pearlman

Adam Pearlman

Senior Fellow
Founder & Managing Director
Lexpat Global Services
Margaret Peterlin

Margaret Peterlin

Distinguished Fellow
Former Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State
Erik Peterson

Erik Peterson

Visiting Fellow
Senior Manager for Public Policy
Marc Raimondi

Marc Raimondi

Visiting Fellow
Chief of Staff
Silverado Policy Accelerator
Megan Reiss

Megan Reiss

Visiting Fellow
Founder & CEO
SolidIntel Inc.
Kelly Repair

Kelly Repair

Visiting Status
Senior Director of Government Relations
Airbus Americas, Inc.
Dean Reuter

Dean Reuter

General Counsel
The Federalist Society
Diane Rinaldo

Diane Rinaldo

Acting Administrator
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Nicholaus Rohleder

Nicholaus Rohleder

Contributor, The SCIF
Climate Commodities
Daniel Rosenthal

Daniel Rosenthal

Visiting Fellow
Executive Director
Norman Roule

Norman Roule

Former Natl. Intelligence Mgr. for Iran
Office of the DNI
Algene T. Sajery

Algene T. Sajery

Visiting Fellow
Founder & CEO
Catalyst Global Strategies, LLC
Tony Samp

Tony Samp

Visiting Fellow
Principal Advisor, Head of AI Policy
DLA Piper Global Law Firm
Jill Sanborn

Jill Sanborn

Visiting Fellow
Senior Directory for Geopolitical Strategy and Risk
Basil Seggos

Basil Seggos

Visiting Fellow
New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Edward Shapiro

Edward Shapiro

Visiting Fellow
Senior Advisor
Chertoff Group
Manisha Singh

Manisha Singh

Visiting Fellow
Former Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs
U.S. State Department
Bryan Smith

Bryan Smith

Senior Fellow
Former Budget Director
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Adam Stahl

Adam Stahl

Chief of Staff & Strategic Advisor
Sarah V. Stewart

Sarah V. Stewart

Executive Director
Silverado Policy Accelerator
Hayden Stone

Hayden Stone

Visiting Fellow
Former Senior Director for Strategic Initiatives
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation
Yong Suk Lee

Yong Suk Lee

Visiting Fellow
Former Central Intelligence Agency
Former Deputy Assistant Director of the Korea Mission Center
Amanda Swenty

Amanda Swenty

Senior Fellow
Senior Attorney
United States Government
Robert Turner

Robert Turner

Senior Fellow
Center for National Security Law, University of Virginia
Morgan Viña

Morgan Viña

Senior Fellow
Vice President for Government Affairs
Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA)
Dan Wagner

Dan Wagner

Legislative Liaison for Policy and Budget
U.S. Special Operations Command
Rob Walker

Rob Walker

Executive Director
Homeland Security Experts Group
David Weinstein

David Weinstein

Chief Information Security Officer
Gro Intelligence
David Wilezol

David Wilezol

Visiting Fellow
Founder and President
Seventh Floor Strategies
Dominique Yantko

Dominique Yantko

Visiting Fellow
Anduril Industries, Mission Autonomy and Air Dominance Systems