Audrey Adams is the Cross-Cutting Priority Director, The MITRE Corporation. Previously, Audrey was an active duty naval officer serving as the Deputy Director for Signals Intelligence, Information Operations, Electronic Warfare, and Space Operations at U.S. Fleet Cyber Command. She has had an unusually varied career, completing two deployments and qualifying as a surface warfare officer, an information warfare officer, and a nuclear engineer. She was selected for the Olmsted Scholarship Program where she completed a master’s degree in diplomacy and military strategy taught entirely in Mandarin at National Cheng Chi University in Taipei, Taiwan. Most recently, she has worked in cyber operations and strategy, for which some of her work was recognized by the Secretary of the Navy with an ‘Outside the Box’ Innovation Award. She enjoys developing unusual solutions to meaningful problems, a passion which she will continue to pursue once she retires from the military in July 2020.
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