Decrypted: Learning to Talk Tech



NSI’s Journalist Training Series, Decrypted: Learning to Talk Tech, will provide journalists with the know-how to find the next big story in tech and effectively share it with the public.  Attendees will hear an off-the-record policy briefing featuring tech experts moderated by a leading journalist.  After the briefing, there will be time devoted to networking with those experts and developing relationships with sources.  If you attend all four sessions, you’ll become a certified cyber reporter!

All of the sessions will take place at the National Press Club in Washington, DC from 6:30-8:30 PM.  Session Dates are: June 20,  July 11, September 11, and November 7.  Additional details about the program will be made available shortly.

The new date for the final event is Thursday, November 7.  It will feature:

  • Dmitri Alperovitch, Co-Founder and CTO of CrowdStrike Inc.; NSI Visiting Fellow
  • Olivia Gazis, Reporter, Intelligence & National Security Reporter, CBS News
  • Lauren Bedula, Vice President of Beacon Global Strategies; NSI Visiting Fellow
  • Beth Cartier, Senior Manager of Cybersecurity, Ernst and Young; NSI Visiting Fellow

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