Democracy Under Stress: Potential Challenges in the Post-Truth Era

Founders Hall Room 125/126
October 31, 2018
11:00 AM – 5:00 PM


The National Security Institute and YPO Global Diplomacy Network co-hosted “Democracy Under Stress: Challenges to Our Constitutional Norms”

This event was an insider’s deep dive from top luminaries from the national security, law, and media worlds on the potential threats to our democratic institutions critical to our system of checks and balances in today’s turbulent, post-truth world and challenges to Constitutional, historical bipartisan norms fundamental to our democracy.

Attendees heard from top leaders, including former NSA and CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, and former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, on the challenges our institutions are facing both externally and internally. Speakers included high profile insiders, including former senior national security officials, key legal experts, and senior members of the press corps.