Neil Jenkins leads the Cyber Threat Alliance’s analytic and operational collaboration efforts, focusing on improving the quality of data sharing within CTA through both automated and human means, the development of joint reports between members on the threat landscape, and managing operationally focused working groups. Previously, he served in various roles within the US Department of Homeland Security, where he led strategy, policy, and planning efforts around interagency campaigns and incident response, including Presidential Policy Directive 41 and the National Cyber Incident Response Plan. Neil served as DHS’s operational lead for election security efforts in the 2016 US election. He also served in roles in the Department of Defense and the Center for Naval Analyses, where he spearheaded numerous initiatives tied to cybersecurity strategy, policy, and operational planning for both the public and private sectors. Neil received a Ph.D. in chemistry from Cornell University and a Bachelor of Science in chemistry and physics from Wake Forest University.