- After Murthy v. Missouri, Diffuse Jawboning Remains Murky
Authored: CTC Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
August 6, 2024, The Regulatory Review - TikTok is suing the US over ‘obviously unconstitutional’ law that would ban it
Quoted: CTC Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
May 7, 2024, CBC - TikTok has promised to sue over the potential US ban. What’s the legal outlook?
Quoted: CTC Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
April 25, 2024, AP News - Cyberlaw Podcast: AI Leaders Bring Washington a Bag of Promises
Featuring: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
July 25, 2023, Cyberlaw Podcast - Antitrust Regulation by Intimidation
Authored: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwtiz
July 24, 2023, Wall Street Journal - What’s an agency to do? That’s for Congress to say
Authored: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
June 6, 2023, The Hill - The Cyberlaw Podcast: Debating AI Regulation
Authored: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
June 6, 2023, Lawfare - UNL Event Explores “Big Tech” and Government
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
April 22, 2022, KLKN-TV - Recalled items that have killed kids still on Facebook Marketplace
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
November 5, 2021, USA Today - Amazon agrees to pay shoppers up to $1,000 for defective goods after facing high-profile liability cases
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
August 10, 2021, The Washington Post - Returning to Agency Deference in Communications Law
Authored: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
July 21, 2021, The Regulatory Review - Episode 370: Should We Add “Jumping U.S. Red Lines” to the 2021 Olympics?
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
July 12, 2021, Lexology - Pipeline hack highlights increase in cyber crimes nationwide
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
May 17, 2021, Nebraska TV - The Cyberlaw Podcast: Cybersecurity Issues on the Congressional Agenda
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
April 20, 2021, Lawfare - Congress’s 2021 cybersecurity agenda
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
April 19, 2021, Reason - Nebraska Governance and Technology Center announces new supplemental research grants
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
April 6, 2021, Nebraska Today - Factors To Watch When Justices Rule On Media Ownership
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
March 12, 2021, Law360 - Congressional Dems Trying to Deplatform Fox News May Have Violated First Amendment
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
February 23, 2021, CNS News - Well, have you ever seen Dr. Octopus and Sen. Klobuchar together?
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
February 8, 2021, Reason - Why So Many Robocalls? Why?!
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
January 4, 2021, Legal Talk Network - More than 40 States Plan on Suing Facebook Next Week. Here’s What the Lawsuit is Likely to Do
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
December 3, 2020, Salon - Republicans Setting up for Deadlocked FCC after Ajit Pai Announces Departure
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
December 1, 2020, The Washington Times - Joe Biden’s tech task force may be surprisingly critical of Silicon Valley’s power
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
November 10, 2020, Salon - Both the GOP and the Democrats want to break up Big Tech. Could it really happen?
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
October 20, 2020, Salon - University of Nebraska College of Law opens innovative technology center
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
October 5, 2020, The Daily Nebraskan - Episode 321: Using the internet to cause emotional distress is a felony?
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
June 22, 2020, Lexology - The Cyberlaw Podcast Episode 301: Ratchet to Disaster
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
February 24, 2020, Steptoe - Koch-funded center at UNL set to explore future implications of technology
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
February 22, 2020, Lincoln Journal Star - Episode 298: Bill Barr as Bogeyman
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
February 3, 2020, Steptoe - The Cyberlaw Podcast Episode 283: Is intelligence “reform” a self-licking ice cream cone and compliance trap?
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
October 21, 2019, Steptoe - Upholding FCC’s repeal of net neutrality rules, court opens door for California to enforce its own
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
October 3, 2019, Los Angeles Times - The Cyberlaw Podcast: What It’s Like to Live Through a Big Data Breach
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
July 23, 2019, Lawfare - The Cyberlaw Podcast: Illuminating Supply Chain Security
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
July 16, 2019, Lawfare - T-Mobile, Sprint closer to clinching deal: 5 things to know
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
June 24, 2019, Market Watch - The Cyberlaw Podcast: ‘Call Me a Fascist Again and I’ll Get the Government to Shut You up. Worldwide.’
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
June 10, 2019, Lawfare - The Cyberlaw Podcast: ‘Cheap Fakes’ and the End of Blackmail
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
May 28, 2019, Lawfare - Opening Address and Panel 1: General Data Protection Regime & California Consumer Privacy Act
Event: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
March 11, 2019, Pepperdine University - Where angels fear to tread
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
March 4, 2019, Reason - The Cyberlaw Podcast: ‘If I Save Earth, You’re Gonna Owe Me.’
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
January 23, 2019, Lawfare - The Cyberlaw Podcast: Tech World Turned Upside Down Down Under
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
December 11, 2018, Lawfare - How ‘net neutrality’ became a hot-button issue
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
November 5, 2018, Fox4 News - The Cyberlaw Podcast: The California Turing Test
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
October 9, 2018, Lawfare - Episode 231: Ah, September, when Europe unleashes a summer’s worth of crazy
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
September 17, 2018, Reason - The Cyberlaw Podcast: Interview with Megan Stifel
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
June 19, 2018, Lawfare - Modern Privacy Advocacy: An Approach at War with Privacy Itself?
Authored: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
June 12, 2018, Regulatory Transparency Project - The Cyberlaw Podcast- GDPR and the Typhoid Marys of the Internet
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
June 5, 2018, Lawfare - Some Voters Who Support Net Neutrality Aren’t Necessarily Opposed to Rule Repeal
Quoted: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
May 23, 2018, Morning Consult - The Cyberlaw Podcast- Interview with Miles Brundage and Shahar Avin
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
March 5, 2018, Steptoe - What’s Next For The FCC After ‘Net Neutrality’
Interviewed: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
December 18, 2017, Radio and Television Business Report - Regulators in Cyberia
Authored: NSI Visiting Fellow Gus Hurwitz
July 24, 2017, Regulatory Transparency Project