Technologist Fellowship Application Information

What is the application deadline?

December 17, 2019 11:59 PM PST

Who is eligible for the Fellowship? 

NSI is looking for those individuals with a technical background and experience in the technology sector.  Applicants should be interested in engaging in technology policy making and learning how to explain technology to those who do not have a technical background.

I’m towards the beginning of my career; do I have the right qualifications for the Fellowship? 

Definitely!  We are looking for applicants from all professional levels who are committed to playing a role in the technology policy making process.

Do I need formal technical training, like a computer science or engineering degree, to apply for the Fellowship? 

No – training can be formal (college, graduate school, the military) or informal (self-trained).

Do I need to have national security experience?

No – we are looking for applicants with a wide variety of professional experiences.

What if I don’t live in Washington, D.C.?

That is fine!  We encourage applicants from across the country to apply.  NSI will provide airfare and accommodations for fellows who do not live in the session host city.

To get the full benefit of the program, attendance at all sessions is expected.

How many fellows will be accepted?

We anticipate 20 fellows for the 2020 class.

When will selections be made?

All applicants will be notified of their application status in January 2020.

Will I receive confirmation that you received my application?

Yes, you should receive a confirmation email from our online system.  If you do not receive one, check your spam folder.  If you still do not get one, resubmit and please email [email protected].

I have already applied once. Can I apply again?


Commitment to Diversity

NSI is committed to recruiting a diverse and inclusive group of technologists.