Cybersecurity Agenda Setting for the 2019 NDAA


Senate Visitor Center
Monday, February 26, 2018 | 12pm-1pm | Room 208

What is the NDAA? And why should you care? This panel, co-hosted by the R Street Institute and the National Security Institute, explored whether the Defense Department has the tools, infrastructure, and workforce to effectively compete with competitors in cyberspace.

“The reality is that today we are in a very real shooting war in cyberspace,” NSI Founder Jamil Jaffer noted during the discussion. “It may not be big bullets, it may not be big bombs or nuclear weapons, but we are in an ongoing offensive campaign brought by our enemies against us.”

You can read the Inside Sources summary of the event here.


Megan Reiss – Senior National Security Fellow, R Street Institute (moderator)

Jamil Jaffer – Founder, National Security Institute

Tara Swaminatha – Partner, Squire Patton Boggs

Klon Kitchen – Heritage Foundation Senior Fellow of Technology, National Security and Science; former National Security Advisor for Sen. Ben Sasse

Betsy Cooper – Executive Director, Berkeley Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity