Questions from Quarantine with Jonathan Burks



Join us for an exciting conversation featuring:

  • Jonathan Burks, former Chief of Staff to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan
  • Jamil N. Jaffer, NSI’s Founder and Executive Director


NSI experts are encouraged to submit questions ahead of time by sending us an email.  Experts can also ask questions during the event via Zoom’s Q&A interface.


About Jonathan Burks:

Jonathan Burks is a policy and political professional with two decades experience at the highest levels of public service.  In 2019, he started JWB Advisors, a boutique advisory firm focused on providing timely insights into Washington policy making.  Prior to his move to the private sector, Mr. Burks served as Chief of Staff to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, where he served as the Speaker’s principal advisor on policy, strategy, and management.  Prior to his tenure as chief of staff, Mr. Burks served as the Speaker’s National Security Advisor where he was responsible for advising on sensitive intelligence, defense, and foreign policy issues.  Previously, Mr. Burks served as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Policy Advisor for budget and appropriations, Policy Director of the House Budget Committee, Senior Advisor (chief of staff) to the Under Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs, Policy Advisor in the transition office of the Director of National Intelligence, and Deputy Policy Director on the 2012 Romney for President campaign.


NSI is committed to delivering exceptional programming, and if you have topic suggestions that you wish the series to cover, please send us an email.


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