Questions from Quarantine with Christopher Darby


Join us for an exciting conversation featuring:



This discussion will cover how global sourcing of cutting-edge technologies can protect and enhance U.S. national security interests, and how In-Q-Tel’s approach spurs innovation by knocking down barriers to working with the government.


NSI experts are encouraged to submit questions ahead of time by sending us an email.  Experts can also ask questions during the event throughout the conversation.

About Christopher Darby:

Chris Darby has served as President and CEO of In-Q-Tel since September 2006, where he is also a member of its Board of Trustees.  Chris also serves on the National Security Commission for Artificial Intelligence, an appointment granted in 2019. Prior to In-Q-Tel, Chris was Vice President and General Manager at Intel, where he oversaw the MiddleWar Products Division. He joined Intel in August 2005 with the acquisition of Sarvega, a venture-backed supplier of XML networking and security products, where Chris served as President and CEO.  Prior to Sarvega, he was the Chairman and CEO of @stake, the well-known Internet security consulting firm ultimately acquired by Symantec (SYMC). While at @stake, he assembled the world’s leading collection of security researchers and built a business that spanned North America and Europe. Chris also previously served as President and CEO of Interpath Communications and held several executive positions at Digital Equipment Corporation (now Hewlett-Packard).


NSI is committed to delivering exceptional programming, and if you have topic suggestions that you wish the series to cover, please send us an email.

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